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Our Features

Our Communities

Get In Touch

We'd love to hear from you.

Weekly Email Digest

Members receive a weekly email digest with a summary of member publications, Q&A and news from your community, plus abstracts from journals you choose. Log in to Sosido by simply clicking on a link in the digest.

Speeding the exchange
of knowledge

Sosido is a network of online communities for healthcare professionals to share research and clinical expertise.

Already a member? Sign in

Member Publications

Sosido's technology automatically tracks and features members' publications in the email digests. Sosido provides a weekly snapshot of the work of your research community, with no effort required by members.


Members can ask and answer clinical practice questions in a secure and private Q&A forum, for your community only. Members can participate by email, or by automatic login, and activity is summarized in the weekly email digest.


Active healthcare communities


Clinicians & researchers


Email digests to HCPs annually


Interactions with HCPs annually

Healthcare associations and research groups join Sosido to accelerate knowledge sharing, promote their members' research, improve collaboration, and lessen administrative burden on staff. Sosido automatically tracks and features members' publications, offers a private Q&A forum, delivers a weekly email digest, and provides data for bibliometrics and strategy.

I open the digest with the intention of looking at it quickly but I cannot resist to dig in and read a lot more.

- E.V., Physician

I so greatly appreciate this wonderful benefit of ISNCC membership. Thank you so much for sharing the good news!

- J.M., Nurse

The SOSIDO email digest is a beloved feature for our members. People just love it.

- S.W., Society Manager

Wow you certainly have an efficient system. So excited to receive this! Thank you for sharing our work!

- D.B., Nurse

I love the interconnection of the organizations. I truly believe it expedites progress in our fields.

- L.W., Health Researcher

We are using Sosido now in the Department of Oncology at the University of Alberta and we LOVE IT.

- V.B., Professor

I really enjoy scanning the Sosido digest when it comes to my Inbox!! It is a great resource for SIOP members.

- K.P.K., Nurse Scientist

Thanks for this amazing service! I so admire how you graciously and efficiently keep up with all of us!

- P.H., Nurse Researcher

This Sosido endeavour is an amazing advance imho.

- R.H., Physician

Thank you very much! Sosido is such a great resource for our community!

- T.R., Professor

My sincere thanks! You have done it again! We are thrilled to get this news from you tonight.

- J.M., Nurse

WOW! Impressive. You knew this was published before I did.

- R.S, Professor

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